Proton: Fast is Beautiful

3 min readJan 5, 2021

Imagine you’re living in the early 20th century. Air travel is in its infancy; sending goods and people to far-flung destinations takes significant time and money. Flights are slow, airplanes are bare-bones, but you still have a hard time imagining a faster way to do this — after all, this is all you’ve known, and it’s wild enough as it is.

High above the Mojave Desert in 1947, at speeds that nobody had reached before, American pilot Chuck Yeager broke the sound barrier. The cockpit of his X-1 shaking, Yeager slipped through the atmosphere at Mach 1 and proved that it was possible for a human to fly faster than the speed of sound. Concept proven, the development of aircraft accelerated as our world became smaller than before. Fast forward 74 years, and the speed of sound is routinely broken by pilots around the world.

Doing something for the first time is crucial to everyone that comes after you. Showing that an impossibility is possible is a reality-defining moment; with barriers broken and worldviews shifted, people feel comfortable setting their sights higher and faster. You chart the course, everyone follows behind and is better off for it. Aviation pioneers redefined reality in the 20th century, and now we easily imagine wonderful and fantastic flying machines.

Aerospace conquered, we turn our gaze to cyberspace. Our world is becoming increasingly interconnected; people use the Internet and all related infrastructure to send information, money, and everything in between all day, every day. Unfortunately, our financial system wasn’t designed for this level of activity. With creaks and groans all around, the cockpit of our economies are shaking as we figure out how to keep this thing in the air and in one piece.

Proton was designed as a reality-defining moment for cryptocurrency. With a blockchain capable of record-shattering speed, Proton paves a way for a global economy to set new paces and reach new heights.

Proton’s blockchain allows money to accelerate to its destination. Fast, lean, and secure, Proton pushes funds in and out of accounts in milliseconds — and can do this simultaneously for 4,000+ users at once. This speed, combined with extremely low costs, redefines how cryptocurrency can work.

For example, take the new ProtonSwap decentralized exchange. By using the Proton blockchain, cryptocurrencies can be exchanged in and out of wallets without the need to deposit funds into a centralized source or lose custody of your money. An efficient blockchain slashes trading fees to mere pennies; this is a stark contrast to paying 10%+ on a simple swap on other exchanges. All of this happens in seconds. There’s no need to wait 10 minutes for your transaction to confirm — just swap your crypto and be done with it.

It’s hard to imagine a cryptocurrency that’s both lightning fast and remarkably cheap. Our brains just won’t let our imaginations go there; everything we’ve seen in crypto is either slow, expensive, or some tragic combination of the two. When nobody has paved the way for you, it’s difficult to chart a course.

Proton is slipping through cyberspace at this very moment, shattering barriers and proving that there’s a better way for economies to operate. ProtonSwap is a simple way to test this blockchain for yourself; swap some crypto, confirm the transaction in seconds, pay virtually nothing in fees, and realize for yourself that the barrier has finally been broken.

Anything is possible after that.




Content Manager at Metal | Cryptocurrency, Psychology, Spaceflight